Saturday, March 21, 2009

My ACTUAL Cake in Motion

Geez. It has taken me forever to sort through pictures. I hate the combination of boxes of old pictures and discs to go through and files on the computer. Needless to say, this has taken me a while. I know you have just been waiting with baited breath for this, so here you go!

It's a scanned picture, so you don't really get the full effect, but... I think it turned out really cute! My son loved it and my favorite part is the monster truck running over the car!! He he. I just made a 9 by 13 cake and frosted it with white frosting. I dyed the coconut green and pressed it into the frosting before it dried. Crushed up oreos made up the track and just pressed them in the shape of the track. I couldn't decide how to make the finish line, so I just got two toothpicks and taped paper around them that I had already designed. Not too shabby.

I have a few "cakes in motion" waiting in the wings. I need more!!!! Send me your cute pics!!!


  1. That is really cute! Shanna did a monster truck cake last year for the boys birthday (I didn't actually see it, since that's the day Ellie was born!). Maybe ask her to send in a pic. I heard it was cute.

  2. I never saw that one! So cute!

  3. I love that Emily! I like the monster truck running over the car too!
