For this cake I used a large round pan. Probably like a 15 inch circle. I watched a few
YouTube videos on making tie dye cakes and went to town. It was really very easy. Just make your cake batter, divide it into however many different colors you'd like and die each batch their own color. Next, just glob different colors all over the pan with random placement. Do not drag anything through to "swirl" the colors. You get a muddy, brownish type cake. Trust me, I learned the hard way! Just leave it be and cook. It turned out really fun!!
I just free hand cut out the insides to make the peace sign. I was going to frost the while thing and have it be a surprise when it was cut into, but my husband suggested just
frosting the top and leaving the color exposed. I actually like the way it turned out. Not really fancy or difficult to do, just kind of fun!