Saturday, July 10, 2010


So...this is the one and only cake I will ever make for someone outside of my family. Just FYI. I have always, in the back of my mind, thought I might LOVE to open a little cake shop. Make cakes for other people. I love making cakes and seeing what I can do. Love it. Not so much for other people. All of the sudden I feel so self-conscious and very un-talented. I don't have any sort of technique. I always kind of... wing it. I call it "ghetto" style. Usually I just kind of start out with a blob of cake and make it what I want. goes.

Yep. I told you. Don't look too close. This was for my sweet cute neighbor friend who just graduated from high school. Her mom asked me to make her graduation cake. problem . I was so excited. After a fitful night of "non sleep" and making myself sick....let's just say....fondant and I aren't friends. Nothing a little 2 inch black ribbon won't fix, right? Sorry Codi. I love you anyway!!!

So....that's all she wrote. My professional cake making career began and ended with this!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Big Bird Cake

It's been a while eh? So sorry! Life is crazy. Here is the latest and maybe not the greatest!!

I made this for my son's 3rd birthday. I had wonderful visions in my head, it didn't quite translate but...I guess you can tell what it is, right??

I just baked the cake in a glass bowl. Covered it in frosting and then in dyed coconut. I found huge jawbreakers at Macey's in the bulk food section and covered the top half with pink fondant. Used blue piping gel for the line and black gel for the pupils. I used 2 sugar cones and kind of "sculpted" them with a really sharp serrated knife (kind of tricky...they break easily!!) so that they fit together to kind of form a beak. Covered it in fondant and then used small triangles of fondant for the inside of the beak and the tongue. There you go.....

I kind of thought this picture was funny. Huge eyeballs and crumbs... hehe!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Groundhog Day Cupcakes

Here are some cute groundhog cupcakes that my cousin, Melinda made. How come I am not this creative???

She just made chocolate cupcakes and used chocolate marshmallow fondant and just plain white fondant for the teeth. Mini chocolate chips for the eyes and a regular chocolate chip for the nose. White frosting is the snow and chocolate crumbs for the dirt peeking through the snow!! Thanks for the fun idea. I also thought chocolate dipped marshmallows would make great "groundhogs". Maybe not, I'm just not crafty enough to make my own fondant....:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Campfire Cake Reveal!!

Looks like a pretty happy kid, eh?

Well, the cake turned out okay. I should have stuck with the "original" and just done the campfire. I had this whole "camp area" in my mind. Sleeping bag, fire, roasting shmellows. The whole bit. The shmellows and the fire turned out great but the sleeping bag ended up looking like a green lump. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right? In case you were wondering, here's the play by play....

9x13 cake carved out to resemble a green lump and covered in fondant. Frosting smeared on the left to hold down the "ashes". (Note: First successful coloring of fondant and fondant not making me swear!! Yay me!!!)

Crumbled donut holes. The recipe called for chocolate donut holes. Do those even exist? I looked EVERYWHERE!!!! So, we went with powdered donuts for "white hot ashes".

Two loaf pans with edges and ends carved to resemble small cupcake top frosted and added to top log to resemble a knot in the tree....

White frosting added to chocolate frosting to make a contrasting color. Piped in a circular pattern on ends of logs.

Fruit roll ups cut to resemble logs. Red and yellow gel to help with fiery glow. Turned out more like ketchup and mustard. OH well.... There's got to be a better way to do flames. They kept falling over. Ideas?

The green blob with stitching.

The end result. Okay, I guess. I'm learning from my mistakes. Simplify. Note: I intended to use mini-marshmallows for the roasters. They were too sticky and looked weird when smashed onto the bamboo skewer. So I improvised and made them out of fondant.
All in all, not a bad cake. The boy loved it. That's all that matters!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Next up for me....I'm hoping to make a "camp out" cake for my son's 8th birthday!! I stole the idea from here but I am hoping to spice it up, I have big plans....We'll see. My plans usually big fat flop!!! Here's hopin'....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Red Velvet "Man" Cake

My friend Andy sent me these pictures to document her husband's first cake. It's officially called the "Man Cake". Apparently this is what happens when you watch too much "Cake Boss"!!!

I have never partaken of said "Red Velvet" cake. Have you? Is it a Southern thing? I thought it was something they made up for the movie "Steel Magnolias". That said. Apparently it is a real thing and after these pictures, I really REALLY want to try some!!!!

That's some RED cake batter if I've ever seen some!!!!

Here's the cakes all stacked and ready to frost!! Can you say YUM!!! I hear it was supposed to be four layers but it would have toppled!!!

Here's the "man" at work!! (Go Bill. You can really work an apron!!!) Yes, he's curling white chocolate!!!!!!! What a cake stud!

She never told me what kind of frosting, but by the color I'm guessing cream cheese?

Wow. I'm sold. Red Velvet cake, here I come!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Candyland Cake

I have quite a few cakes in the wings....ready to post. But I just couldn't hold this one off any longer!!!! It really is creative, different and so awesome!!!

My cousin Melinda made this for her son Aaron's first birthday. It's a Candy land themed cake. She covered her cake in fondant and all of the decorations were made from gum paste. Such a great cake. Thanks Melinda.

She also made a "smash" cake for him to eat!! So fun!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Holy Cutest Mickey Mouse Cake

Wow. That is all I can say...what an imagination!!!

This cake makes my brain hurt even imagining how to make this whole thing work. What an incredibly cute and amazing cake!!!

Thanks Jimi for sending me this one. Her friend made it for her son's birthday. What a fun cake!! Here's how she did it....
For the house portion, she baked a cake in her small pampered chef glass measuring bowl.
She used styrofoam balls spray painted black for the head and!!
She cut 2 hands out of cardboard and glued them together and then covered them in fondant for the glove.
A cupcake covered in fondant made the foot and she cut a cupcake and made the leg out of it and covered that in fondant as well.
Wow, that's an ambitious cake but it was worth all of the work!! It turned out so cute!!!!!!